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Spinals Retreat

$750 includes food and lodging at Judith’s home
Taught and Supervised by Judith Johnson with Debra Pate
Maximum 9 people

Spinals involve holding calcifications on the spine with facilitation for the resolution of bone-deep issues. This is the second retreat for practitioner trainees and involves both spinal work and evaluation of student point-holding and facilitation. The program is open to those in the last two practitioner trainings who weren’t able to make the previous spinal retreats and any practitioners who would like to repeat Spinals.

To register, please text Debra Pate at 828 898-8400. Let her know that you wish to participate in Spinals and provide your name and contact information. Debra will let you know how to register, keep you updated with all logistical issues, and answer all of your questions.

January 31

Teacher Training Course

March 2

Cranials Retreat