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Cranials Retreat

$750 includes food and lodging at Judith’s home
Taught and supervised by Judith Johnson with Debra Pate
Max 9 people

Cranials involves holding points on the cranium from within the mouth. It is powerful work that may catalyze powerful spiritual openings. The cranial work is recommended for the further growth and development of PNE practitioners and is a requirement for PNE teachers. This intensive gathering is available to all practitioners, and is especially recommended for new practitioners who have not yet had the opportunity to experience it.

To register, please text Debra Pate at 828 898-8400. Let her know that you wish to participate in Cranials and provide your name and contact information. Debra will let you know how to register, keep you updated with all logistical issues, and answer all of your questions.

February 9

Spinals Retreat

March 7

Practitioner Training Course